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Google Adword

Track calls down to the keyword level as conversions

Calls Are a Critical Part of Your Ads Optimization

Getyn matches a paid click to each caller, providing insight on metrics like:
  • Campaign

  • AdGroup

  • Source & Medium

  • Keyword Searched

  • Landing Page URL

Combining Getyn and Google Ads allows marketers to track and attribute phone calls as conversions in Ads up to 90 days after the click took place. This ensures that credit is received and attributed for every call generated from Ads marketing efforts, while at the same time adding an extra layer of tracking.

What distinguishes our tracking numbers from Google’s tracking numbers?

Google’s Call Forwarding reports:

  • Call start and end time
  • Location
  • Caller area code
  • Whether the call was answered or not
  • Call duration
  • Call conversions

Getyn reports:

  • All the information Google's call tracking reports, PLUS
  • Call recordings
  • Caller insights (including name, number, and location)
  • The caller's IP address
  • The tracking number the viewer saw on your website
  • The landing page they came in on
  • The last recorded URL they were on before they placed the call
  • All historical interactions with that caller (previous calls, website visits, agent notes, conversions, and ratings)

Call Tracking for Google Adwords

Getyn’ integration with Google Ads creates a seamless flow of data, connecting the exact paid click to the caller. Seeing calls as conversions right in Ads exposes trends on which keywords and campaigns are driving in most calls and making you the most money. Never optimize around just clicks again.

Tracking Click-to-Call and Call Extensions

Our integration will even track each call to your click-to-call ads and call extensions back to the exact keyword and ad that led to the call. You will see this information in Getyn reports and in your Ads reporting so you are not just optimizing around those people that clicked on the ads and called, but also the many mobile and desktop searchers who called right from the click-to-call ad or call extension.

The Complete Picture

Unless they are accurately tracked, the value of phone calls will be unclear at best and grossly underestimated at worst. For example, imagine a marketing campaign that’s driving significant revenue via inbound calls while yielding few online conversions. A business that is not tracking and measuring those calls might decide to kill the campaign—cutting off an effective revenue stream—simply because they did not have enough information. Maximizing conversions requires a complete picture, including online and offline efforts. By integrating Google Ads and Google Analytics with Getyn call tracking and ROI reporting, marketers can truly see the entire length of the sales funnel. The result is a more data-driven marketing strategy that creates better leads, more conversions, and higher revenue.
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