Seamlessly customize your content with our no-code course builder. Then, use our simple ecommerce features to get paid directly by your audience.
Start building your school and course in minutes with our no-code course builder.
Our simple drag-and-drop builder lets you upload videos, audio, templates, guides, and more. It's your content, your way.
Add a personal touch with our easy-to-use customizations—no tech skills necessary.
Creating and selling online is easy when you have best-in-class features and course creation tools for every type of creator need.
Getyn LMS:pay is an automated way to get paid, manage payouts, and sell more confidently. Get a simple, reliable checkout system, fraud protection, tax-inclusive pricing, global currency conversion, automatic payouts, and more. Plus, enjoy 0% transaction fees on Getyn LMS payment gateways on Pro and Business plans.
Our effortless course builder and customizable templates mean you can personalize your course to align with your style and branding. Course creators also have the flexibility to utilize various forms of multimedia, including audio, video, images, and text to adapt to different learning styles.
The tools you know and love, in one place, working together for you. Third-party integrations, such as MailChimp, Zapier, ConvertKit, Google Analytics, Aweber, and Segment are compatible with our platform, and our public API will automate your workflow.
Our best-in-class features were designed with creators like you in mind. Use our powerful AI course curriculum generator to kickstart an idea, inspire creativity, or unblock yourself. Work smarter, not harder—we’ll show you how.
Scale and market your course with our advanced data reporting and business management features. Get support selling your course with our affiliate marketing capabilities, automated payouts, and referral programs.
Build—and sustain—impactful relationships with your audience. Bespoke student-side features like comments, quizzes, and certifications of completion drive learning outcomes and student satisfaction.
Access all Getyn apps with G-Suite
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Getyn G-Suite is an all-in-one subscription package that provides access to a variety of Getyn apps, including CRM, Social, Campaigns, Helpdesk, and more. It features a centralized administration panel, allowing you to easily manage licenses, group policies, and team members in one convenient place.
G-Suite plan gives you an access to all Getyn apps within the ecosystem. Also, you get 3 free users for each Getyn app with 1 G-Suite license. You can easily customise your G-Suite plan by adding more G-Suite licenses or by adding individual app users from the G-Suite admin panel.
No. We no longer sell individual apps licenses or users. You have to signup for a G-Suite plan to access any of our apps & services.
Application | Limitation |
Getyn Suite | 1 G-Suite license comes with 3 free users for each app. For extra users, you can either buy more G-Suite licenses or add individual users from your G-Suite admin panel. Pricing for additional individual app users starts at $9/user. |
Getyn Campaigns | We only provide Email/SMS sending & automation software that you can connect with 100+ supported smtp servers. You need to directly buy email sending credits from the supported smtp servers like amazon SES, elasticemail etc. We do provide email verification & SMS marketing credits, that you can request by emailing us at sales@getyn.com |
Getyn Voice | Phone number cost and calling minutes are not included in the G-Suite license. You can buy phone number and calling minutes directly from the Getyn Voice dashboard. |
Getyn Sites | 1 G-Suite licenses comes with 1 Website limit. You can add additional websites from the Getyn Sites Dashboard. |
Leveraging knowledge products can pave the way for building, growing, and scaling your dream business. Creating a course and selling online is a way to diversify your revenue streams, while giving you control over your content and the learning experiences of your students. Getyn LMS can help you build a course website thanks to our intuitive features and resources for creators and business owners.
You can create online courses about virtually anything—the sky's the limit. Your unique perspective, talents, and expertise can guide the way. Meanwhile, our course creation tools and multimedia compatibility allow you to turn your wisdom into accessible online courses that appeal to all learning styles.
You can create and sell one online course when you join for free. But if you want access to five courses, join a Basic plan on Getyn LMS. Our Pro and Business plans offer unlimited online courses, plus enhanced features like using your own custom domain.
Don’t worry, you’ve come to the right place. Get started on our free plan, and we’ll guide you through our easy-to-use platform, so you can feel confident about starting your own online business.
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